It’s important to prepare your kitchen for a round of Whole30. Our lives revolve around the kitchen and eating. So creating a kitchen that supports your eating habits and the choices you want to make in the next 30 days is key to successfully completing a round of Whole30.
It’s not going to be easy, but it’s definitely doable and completely worth every bit of energy you are going to put into it. So doing as much of that work ahead of time is key. Set yourself up for success.
When you have time in the week before you start your round, do a good scrubbing on your kitchen…oven, stove, microwave, refrigerator, etc. Put yourself in the state of mind of clean eating and healthy living. Plus who doesn’t want to spend time in a clean kitchen?
Get rid of everything non-compliant:
Move any non-compliant food or beverages (that will still be good in a month) to your pantry or 2nd fridge. Throw away anything that won’t last or that you just don’t want to eat again. There are a lot of delicious compliant brands for condiments, salsa, salad dressings, etc. Switching to these brands will make the round easy as well as your non-round eating habits healthier. Whatever you choose, just get anything you won’t be eating out of your reach will help ease cravings. Out of sight, out of mind.
Purge your Freezer:
When Jared and I are on a round of Whole30, his daughter is still eating her regular diet (teenagers and their crazy foods!). So I freeze her bread and bagels to keep them off my counter and the temptation out of mind. Before you begin your round, sort through your freezer and throw away anything that is expired, freezer burned, or non-compliant. You’re going to need as much freezer space as possible for all your leftovers.
Inventory your spices and seasonings:
Before you meal prep or grocery shop, you need to know what you have and won’t you need. A quick look through your cupboards (checking ingredients) will make grocery shopping successful.
Don’t forget to use your resources, like the Whole30 brand cheat sheet when checking your item’s ingredients.
Next: Menu Planning–
This post is part of a series on how to prepare for a successful Whole30. Click the picture below for more info: