New Year’s Resolutions 2018

So it’s that time of year again, we’ve all eaten WAY too much during the holidays and we’re looking into the New Year wondering what it has in store for us. This is the time of year we set amazing New Year’s Resolutions only to have them fall apart by February. But this year is going to be different. Together we are going to take our resolutions step by step and create a truly HighEnd year! There’s one reason most people (if not everyone) fails to keep their new year’s resolutions. Why? It’s not because they set them too high, it’s because they set them too generic. So you want to be healthier in 2018? Ok…how? Want to lose weight? Again, HOW? You get the point. 

The key to keeping your New Year’s Resolution is to narrow it down to specific activities you are (or are not) going to do. My literary teacher in high school always asked me “How do you eat a steak?” I would roll my eyes and give the expected answer of “One bite at a time…” But now as an adult, I see how important that advice is to a successful life! She always stressed the point that if you try to shove the whole steak in your mouth, you’re going to choke and die.  Same thing with goals, especially a 365 day goal! Sometimes we can get so overwhelmed by the task ahead we begin to choke and feel like we’re going to die. So this year is going to be different. We’re going to break down our New Year’s Resolutions into smaller steps and set up schedule for achieving one bite at a time.  Then when December rolls back around, you’ll be able to look back at all the tiny bites you took throughout the year and see how far you’ve actually come!

The reasoning behind setting small, achievable goals is all about your mindset. We’ve talked here at HighEndPennies about how important your mindset is to creating a HighEnd Lifestyle. This is a great example of when your mindset is what will make or break your success. So many people fail at their goals so early in the year they just give up. They had such high expectations for themselves, when they fail at perfectly sticking to it, they get discouraged and overwhelmed so they go back to their old habits. If you put yourself in the correct mindset, and focus on small, achievable goals, you won’t get overwhelmed or discouraged. Remind yourself the entire point of the resolution is to create new habits (or break old ones). The goal is not perfection. The goal is not to go from 0 to 100 in 2 weeks. Give yourself the room to grow and watch yourself flourish. 

Haven’t yet decided what your 2018 resolution will? Join us! Choose an achievable resolutions below to get encouragement, accountability, and a calendar worksheet.  Together we can create great things. 

(Is it past January 1st? Who cares! It’s never too late to start working on yourself. You’re the one in charge. Today is YOUR day.)

Achievable Goal: Exercise Consistently

The workouts you choose greatly depends on your fitness level, but aim for a weekly number instead of certain days of the week. This creates a more flexible schedule for yourself and a better chance for success. For example, if you aim for 2 times weekly and you lose track of the beginning of the week, you still have Friday and Saturday to wrap up your workouts and have a successful week! Start small. If you’re not already in the habit of exercising consistently, you need focus on forming the habit. Jared and I were super on top of exercising until summer hit. Something about the inconsistency of the summer months throws me off my track. For January, aim to exercise once a week. Yeah, that’s only 4 times, but it’s important that we view the goal as forming a habit, not as a quick fix. MAKE EXERCISING A HABIT WITH THIS EASY PLAN!


Achievable Goal: Eat Healthy in 2018

Start by evaluating your eating habits. Identify your areas of weakness and what you’d like your eating to look like. Write down 12 bad eating habits you want to break and 12 healthy eating habits you want to form. Place one of each into every month of 2018. It’s important to replace habits. If you always eat chips for your 3pm snack, form a habit of always eating carrots and celery. As humans we crave consistency. There’s a level of safety we find in habits.  So make sure you’re pairing every negative habit with a positive one. Focus on the improvements, not the failures.  GET THE FREE EATING HABITS NEW YEARS RESOLUTION CALENDAR!

Looking for a huge health change in 2018? Join us on a Whole30! 


Achievable Goal: Give Back 

Want to give back in 2018? Volunteering your favorite organizations is beyond rewarding. Don’t know where to start? There are tons of volunteer opportunities and resources out there. Get FREE tips, resources, and encouragement to make 2018 your Year of Giving. 







Achievable Goal: Monthly Random Act of Kindness

Make a commitment to spread kindness in 2018. Take each month at a time with themes! From writing notes to buying coffee, get your random act of kindness right to your inbox and keep score! GET THE FREE 2018 CALENDAR OF KINDNESS






Achievable Goal: Break Bad Habits

Do you keep coming back to that one bad habit you just can’t kick? We all do! And we’re here to help. Get encouragement, accountability, and a step by step plan to break those bad habits. YES! HELP ME BREAK MY HABITS FOR FREE






Swear off elevators in 2018, always take the stairs! (Click for Details)


Take 2018 one step at a time and make it the life you’ve always wanted!



I’m Mac, the creative voice behind highendpennies – your source for fashion, home decor, and lifestyle inspo on a budget!


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