How long do Whole30 results last?


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When Jared and I completed our first Whole30 in February 2017, we both lost about 20 lbs. Our goal was to change our lifestyle for our health, which included weight loss. But we didn’t jump into it as a quick fix for our weight, because that’s not what it is. It’s a complete lifestyle change giving you freedom from the control of cravings and habits. You can read more about our first Whole30 in my post titled “Whole30 Pros and Cons.

As we entered March, we didn’t change much of our new formed healthy habits. We did add alcohol back into our diet from time to time, and ate out every once in a while. But all in all we did what Jared and I call, a “non strict Whole30.” While at home we ate the same stuff we had the month before. We had come to really enjoy our results (read about it in my Whole30 pros and cons) and wanted to continue losing weight and improving our health.We also continued juicing for breakfast, which we both love. It’s a great way to start off your day on the right foot. You can read about it in my post, My husband’s Juicing Obsession.

Two weeks after we finished our first round, I headed off to the Police Academy. Here I was bombarded with unlimited processed carbs, desserts, chocolate milk, soda…you name it. I was able to continue my weight loss and healthy eating habits even through all the temptations. In fact, with my newfound food freedom, I didn’t eat even one dessert on campus. I did go out for a milkshake or dessert a few times, but I didn’t waste the treat on cafeteria food. I stuck to a loose Whole30 way of eating and was able to utilize the increased energy to excel at the academy.

While at home, Jared also continued eating Whole30. Being at home and able to control his own options (and not having me around for sporadic cravings), he stayed pretty strict. He went off plan a on a few of the weekends I was home. In the three months after our first Whole30, my husband lost an additional 20 lbs.

After I graduated the Police Academy, we both continued the improved lifestyle. However, once my world was turned upside down and my depression went from bad to severe. I quit eating altogether and my husband began to focus on cooking anything I would actually consume. The stress of my situation also took its tole on him.


How long Whole30 results lasted:

-face eczema
This stayed cleared up for quite a while. It was probably about July, in the midst of the craziness, that I first saw signs of it returning. However, it never returned full force and a few days of clean eating can put it back in its place. I’m convinced a stricter lifestyle will keep it away for good.

-acid reflux
This stayed away for good. Only a few times after a dinner party or a few glasses of red wine did I have slight heartburn. The Whole30 healed me of this constant irritant so I can live a more normal, pain free life.

-lost 20 lbs
The hubs and I continued losing weight after our Whole30. We didn’t start gaining until the end of summer, 6 months later. You can read all about our journey to a healthy weight here.

-more energy
The increased energy lasted for a few months, but subsided for me as soon as my depression sunk its claws deep into my soul. Yes, that was dramatic, but it’s really how it feels! I am curious how my energy levels will be after our Whole30 Round 2.

-less cravings
My processed sugar cravings slowly returned as the quality of my eating lowered. Seven months later I feel I am pretty addicted to processed sugar again…


We still ate pretty decent over the summer, but definitely started forming our old habits again. Sweets have appeared quite often in the last few weeks. So September/October we’re attacked our 2nd round of Whole30. A great way to prepare for the holiday season.

Click here to learn more about Whole30.


I’m Mac, the creative voice behind highendpennies – your source for fashion, home decor, and lifestyle inspo on a budget!


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