How to Prepare for a Successful Whole30: Shopping and Stocking your Kitchen

The next step in your preparation for a successful round of Whole30 is grocery shopping and stocking up your kitchen. In the previous step, you meal planned. So at this point you should have a shopping list of everything you need for your next week’s menu as well as your list of items to stock your pantry with Whole30 compliant goods.

Make sure you’ve got your list of everything you’re going to need. Here’s the Whole30 brand shopping list and a super helpful Whole30 brand cheat sheet to keep on you at all times (I keep a link in my notes on my phone so I never go anywhere without it). Below are a few reminders of items and categories you don’t want to forget: 

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Don’t forget to take a quick look through all your seasonings and make sure you’re not going to end up half-as*ing a recipe due to a lack of proper seasonings! Yes, this is part of step one, but it’s an important one (that I always forget and Jared has to remind me), so I’m putting it in here twice.



Make sure you’ve got your basics, your ketchup, mustard, mayo, salad dressings, etc. There are a lot of great compliant condiment recipes out there and most of them will save you money. I am too new to the kitchen to start tackling them, but we’ll keep you posted on any good ones we find. Click here for a list of our favorite compliant brands


Freezer containers:

You’re going to need quite a few freezer containers for you leftovers, make sure you stock up ahead of time so you don’t find yourself in a bind. We use a mixture of these glass ones and these plastic ones. We also use a lot of freezer bags, which makes it easier to pack food into the freezer without it all being square, hard containers.


Nuts and dried fruit:

Make sure to check and double check the ingredients of the nuts and dried fruits. I’ve been pretty successful at finding compliant dried fruit in the bulk section of health food stores, but regular grocery stores are a little more difficult. We keep a big bag of pistachios at home and one at work. We also keep a few big bags of raisins around…they’re great at curbing sweets cravings.



Make sure you stock up on lots of eggs. I usually start off a week with 36 eggs. This way I have plenty to hard boil and cook with as well as breakfasts omelets, scrambles, and such.


Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

We go through a ton of fresh fruits and veggies with our juicing, so the majority of our grocery bill goes to them. Make sure you get fruit such as grapes, apples, and bananas for snacking on. Vegetables also make great sides. Sweet potatoes, green beans, and spinach are our go-to sides.



Don’t forget to stock up on your fats. We use a combination of extra virgin olive oil, ghee, and coconut oil for our cooking.



From chicken to beef to vegetable, you’re going to use a lot of broth in your recipes. Stock up on 5-10 cartons of broth so you are prepared to cook any recipe.



You’re going to drink a lot of water while on your Whole30. And you should. Nothing can replace the health and restoration of water. However, it does get old. I also usually take cream in my coffee, so setting yourself up with other drinks is going to help you stay on plan. 


Next: Ingredient Preparation–



This post is part of a series on How to Prepare for a Successful Whole30. Click the picture below for more info:



I’m Mac, the creative voice behind highendpennies – your source for fashion, home decor, and lifestyle inspo on a budget!


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