A Classy Star Wars Wedding

Hints of Star Wars fill this classy Oregon Wedding


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I’ve always dreamed of my wedding day. Yes, I was that little girl who couldn’t wait for all the hustle and bustle around planning her big day. But as the day approached, I really wanted to incorporate hints of my fiance into our big day. For in reality the day is about us, not me. And one thing everyone knows about Jared is he is an avid Star Wars fan.

I’d never even watched the movies myself! But I knew I wanted our wedding to speak of his passions as much as mine. So in the year leading up to our big day, I knocked out all the movies and submerged myself in his Star Wars universe.

I really wanted a classy park wedding, so I searched far and wide to find ways to add hints of Star Wars without compromising anything.

Groom’s Wedding Band

star wars wedding band

I found this band on Etsy, Jared absolutely loves it.

Groomsman Socks

star wars groomsmen socks

Each groomsman got to pick his favorite character. Socks are hidden for the ceremony so it’s a great way to keep photos classy yet having individualism.

Ring Bearer Shoes

My nephew almost lost it when I gave him these shoes. I searched for months to find the perfect pair. I wanted him to be like the groomsmen but bolder.

Bride’s Bow

My friend found a set of earrings and sewed the charm onto my bow after I was dressed.


We sewed the other charm on my garter.

Bride’s Shoes

My friend modge podged these shoes together for me! Aren’t they amazing?

Recessional Song

And last but definitely not least, our recessional song was Throne Room Theme Song. It has a perfect beat and is so regal.

Let me know if you have any questions or ideas!


I’m Mac, the creative voice behind highendpennies – your source for fashion, home decor, and lifestyle inspo on a budget! 



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