5 Free Valentine’s Day Printables


It’s my favorite day of the year! Time to get out all your pink, hearts, glitter and spread your sparkle everywhere! Ok, yes, I get a little over excited for Valentine’s Day. You could argue it’s an over commercialized day pressuring people to spend money. I see it as an excuse for all things pink! This year we are tight on budget with me still settling into my new job. So I’ll be decorating on the cheap cheap…and what better way than with printables. 🙂

I’ve created 5 love printables and are sharing them with you today FREE! Click on the images below to claim your free printable.


Shut up & Kiss me


Be Mine


All of me loves All of you


X O X O 


Hugs & Kisses


I always love seeing how ya’ll use my printables, tag me on insta or send me a picture!


I’m Mac, the creative voice behind highendpennies – your source for fashion, home decor, and lifestyle inspo on a budget! 



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